Is anyone on the forum who is actually in Nice at the moment??
I really need to know what the weather is like,im arriving on saturday, checked a few wethaer sites and forecast is not very promising, plenty of rain and about +20!
Waiting for your reply, locals!
My mother-in-law informs me that it has been pouring with rain for the last week or so...
I was in Nice from sunday 14th - 10am and returned last night at 10pm (wed).
I did%26#39;nt see a drop of rain at all and in fact it was very sunny from about 8am - 6pm on all 4 days.
In the evenings I ate at the outdoor cafe/restos in short sleeved shirts.
Very pleasant indeed.
Nice-regular, i like your answer more!
I check BBC site for weather everyday,and it says rain,rain, rain!But now i have a hope that i will enjoy a sunshine at last!
yeah i checked everyday for a week before i went and the little weather pics had a half sun, white cloud and rain drops, so i set off fearing the worst but i can assure you i am sitting here back in England today with a very red/brown face.
You made my day!thanks a lot!:)))
Its warm and sunny during the day, a bit chillier at night but will be warm by Irish standards I would think. It was 19.5C at 5.30pm yesterday if that helps to give you an idea
Some locals are wearing thick jackets and woollen shawls - tourists are still wearing shorts
I feel the cold easily but I am wearing 3/4 sleeve tshirts and i am sometimes carrying a thin cardigan with me at night but I haven%26#39;t had to put it on yet
re - rain
Antibes has had a bit of rain [showers] but Nice has escaped-its certainly not been raining every day even in Antibes though,
Nice has had occasional threats of storms and a bit of thunder and lightning out to sea in the past week but that has gone again.
Weather forecasts are an approximate science at best - here especially so. The BBC%26#39;s rain rain rain last week turned out sunny, sun and cloud, and sunny. Take it all with a pinch of salt. The desire to anticipate the weather is universal.
The ability to anticipate it with any accuracy is non-existent - other than at random. The secret is to make the best of whatever turns up.
Have Plan A, Plan B, and just in case , Plan C. Whatever the weather.
The sky is a bit overcast today in Nice but its not cold.
Scattered showers are now predicted for saturday and sunday but still 22C temperatures
Thank you all for replies.Tomorrow i will be im Nice myself:)
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