Is anyone familiar with getting from terminal 3 to the RER line B Luxembourg? And the current price for 2 people? We will be jet lagged upon arrival so I want to make sure we know ahead what to expect
From terminal 3 there is a shuttle to terminal 2 from where the RER departs.
There are ticket windows one level above the trains.
Fare to Luxembourg - 8.40€ each
The Terminal 3 is 250 yards away from the RER station %26quot;Aéroport Charles de Gaulle 1%26quot;, and there are no more bus shuttles to/from it since CDGVal opened. So you simply have to walk to the RER station (when leaving the terminal, turn right, walk under the short tuinnel, cross the road, and voilà).
Thanks for the answers!
The alternative to the short walk to the CDG 1 RER station--300 meters---is the CDGVAL shuttle/train to CDG #2, then down to the CDG 2 RER station. You%26#39;ll need either a European-issued credit card, with an embedded %26#39;smart chip%26#39; or €uro denomination coinage to use the automatic ticket vanding machines...or else use one of the manned-ticket windows at the station.
ALL RER %26#39;B%26#39; ligne trains from CDG stop at LUXEMBOURG. Trains with a four-letter %26#39;..Pxxx..%26#39; are %26#39;locals%26#39; and take 42 mins. Trains with a %26#39;..Kxxx..%26#39; designation are %26#39;express%26#39; and take 38 mins. %26#39;B%26#39; train frequency from CDG during most of the day and evening runs approx. 1-every-8-mins. So it really doesn%26#39;t matter all that much whether you take a %26#39;local%26#39; or an %26#39;express%26#39;. You should look for a train that has seats next to or across from the car doors, to make egress from the train with luggage at LUXEMBOURG easier. Keep your RER ticket readily-at-hand. You will need it again to insert into the EXIT turnstiles/gates to exit the LUXEMBOURG station.
If your hotel/destination address is located north of Jardin du Luxembourg, try to ride the last cars of the train, so that you will be closer to the EXITS from the LUXEMBOURG station at Blvd Saint Michel %26amp; rue Gay Lussac (nr: Place Edmond Rostand). There is an escalator up to street level.
If you%26#39;re not too %26#39;jetlagged%26#39; to be able to recognize your baggage on an airport luggage conveyor or navigate your way through a revolving door...none of this is %26#39;rocket science%26#39; or %26#39;celestial mechanics%26#39;.
%26gt;%26gt; The alternative to the short walk to the CDG 1 RER station--300 meters---is the CDGVAL shuttle/train to CDG #2, then down to the CDG 2 RER station. %26lt;%26lt;
KDK, there%26#39;s no logical way on Earth that this would be an alternative, since the %26quot;Terminal 3-Roissypôle%26quot; CDGVAL station is exactly adjacent to the Aéroport Charles de Gaulle-Terminal 1 RER station ... these are the very same 300 meters, and they are to be walked exactly the same way whether you want to board the RER to Paris or the CDGVAL to Terminal 1/Terminal2/a parking lot ...
Now, I know that French airport designers are half-sadistic half-useless when it comes to orientation ! Why on Earth did they give the name %26quot;Terminal 3-Roissypôle%26quot; to the CDGVAL station that connects to the %26quot;Aéroport Charles de Gaulle Terminal 1%26quot; RER station ? %26quot;Roissypôle%26quot; is a term used by commuting workers and familiars of the airport, and it refers to the bus station which is also adjacent to the rail complex we%26#39;re talking about, and it also refers to the various industries and services (including AF headquarters) that are to be found in the vicinity.
%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;KDK, there%26#39;s no logical way on Earth that this would be an alternative%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;
Sorry...but there is a %26#39;..method to the madness..%26#39;. All RER %26#39;B%26#39; ligne trains begin and end their routes at CDG 2. So the odds of boarding an empty or near-empty train heading into Paris and finding seats convenient to the car doors is far greater at CDG2.
%26gt;%26gt; Sorry...but there is a %26#39;..method to the madness..%26#39;. All RER %26#39;B%26#39; ligne trains begin and end their routes at CDG 2. So the odds of boarding an empty or near-empty train heading into Paris and finding seats convenient to the car doors is far greater at CDG2. %26lt;%26lt;
I bow to your point, although it%26#39;s quite the farthest-fetched I%26#39;ve ever read ;-) , but it%26#39;s still not an alternative to the 300 m walk - because your solution involves walking those 300 m anyway ... and quite a flight of extra lifts and escalators.
Cocojam - assuming you%26#39;re taking Air Transat - here is the official map from the CDG website…
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