I have been reading the Paris Forum%26#39;s daily for the last yearin anticipation of our trip to Europe, Paris is our first stop.
Two of the friends I am travelling with wish to visit Disneyland, me (I am going to the Louvre).
I have noticed and visited the FNAC website, from what I can gather you can buy Disneland passes at a much reduced rate, but that you need to purchase them a minimum of 5 days pre. We arrive 24/09/08 and they plan to visit the next day.
My question is, the site is in French and I can%26#39;t find a conversion to english. I have navigated my way through, but it is disconcerning asking for something we are not 100 per cent sure of.
Can anyone help on this please. We leave this Saturday travelling via Thailand arriving into Paris Wed 24th Sep. I think we also need to find their office to collect the tickets. From what I can read the tickets will be 36E for a two parc 1 day option.
Can I just reserve the tickets, or do they require a credit card as payment. Can you advice on the location of their office, we are staying in Rue Cleur line 8 (Metro).
Appreciate any feedback on this one.
Try Babel Fish for translation into english.
I bought tickets last week in the special sale 29 Euro 1 day 2 parks, I paid with credit card and requested postage to my house in Scotland, I got them 4 days later. I think tickets are cheaper mid week and if you request the exact date you will be visiting.
Thankyou for that, as we are leaving this Saturaday and we live in New Zealand, posting option is not suitable. I am having trouble with trying to understand it, but I think I have made it through to where I am suppose to be and it looks like the tickets are 29 euro p.p.
Want I don%26#39;t want to happen is that they ask in french and I don%26#39;t realise it that they are posting them to me.
It cost me 13 euro for the post, so you will konw when the total comes up at checkout.
I found the Babel Fish translation very good, I was able to copy and paste on to the Babel page, press the french into english and bob%26#39;s your uncle so to speak.
Have a great trip we are going over in October.
Regards from Bonnie Scotland.
Hi McCouglan, I have downloaded the translation page with babel, but when I cut and paste, it comes back as an error. I also have someone with me at the moment who speaks some French, so we have been translating our way through, but got stuck when they asked for the last 8 digits of our credit card, it wouldn%26#39;t accept them. Are you able to perhaps send me the link from your end. If you contact me through TA I could send you my email address if that is easier.
%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;Try Babel Fish for translation into english.%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;
On-line translation services ain%26#39;t purphekt...but they%26#39;ll usually get you the gist of what you need to know...and a bit of creative thought will usually get you most of the way there--Copy %26amp; Paste.....
Hi we managed to make it most of the way through using no translation and what little bit of french I remember. Where we hit a wall was the credit card information. They ask for an 8 digit number at the base to the right (translation) I think, when I put this in it won%26#39;t accept it. Is this to do with me having a NZ visa card, (I thought they were able to be used anywhere) any suggestions on this.
I wonder If I could perhaps just ring them.
Thankyou to all, we have managed (or should I say the husband has) to translate into english, buy online. got our tickets for 29euro each.
Thats great you got the tickets at the special offer price a good saving on the normal park price.
Regards from Scotland
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